Archive for April, 2014

The Transcendence and Popularity of God Movies

Posted in Christian fantasy fiction with tags , , , , , , , on April 23, 2014 by eliseway

I have noticed for the past few months a great surge of God movies that have been doing pretty well and overriding your typical action or romantic movies that tend to be more successful.  Apparently, God is now a popular subject to make out of movies nowadays and I wonder why all of sudden people are flocking to see Russell Crowe build an Ark in Noah or a Portuguese Jesus get crucified in Son of God? If you look at the movies that are coming out these days, some are pretty lame in comparison to blockbuster hit movies that were so many to choose from. Now, when I check out my Flickster app on my phone, to see what movies are out, I have choice between a movie about a evil mirror killing folks or another teen movie about a heroine saving the world from oppression which isn’t alot of choices to go around. I think movies are being created now just to make money or feed off the popularity of a particular trend society is pursuing nowadays. The only movie now that’s a competitor to God movies is Captain America being the only blockbuster movie out at this time. It’s important to understand that these are the last days before Jesus Christ returns and having a relationship with God is crucial than never before. People are dying daily from natural and unnatural causes with some not knowing Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. People are wanting to know about God and who God is realizing their mortality and wanting to know what truly happens when you die.People are trying to live longer and find ways to extend their life span on the earth. The movie Transcendence delves into humans wanting to achieve immortality and to know much as God does in knowledge and power. Reviewers alike have been talking about how the movie is the biggest flop ever and that the themes in the movie didn’t quite relate to moviegoers who prefer to see a boy talking about his experiences in Heaven than ageless Johnny Depp speaking on the computer screen wanting more power to rule the world. At first, I wanting to see the movie but decided against it because it didn’t truly delve into the themes that would have made it even better. I think in comparison to the movies about God, people are wanting to know about spiritual transcendence and why do they exist in the world. No one I know really wants to die and become a Max Headroom of the future which is probably why the premise of Transcendence didn’t quite work. Yes, the dangers of technology was expressed but folks fearing people becoming computer programs was a tad far-fetched on the fear factor. The topic of God transcends anything that the world thinks they know or grasp about this divine being and can’t even grasp the depths of understanding of who God really is. We can watch movies about God and leave with a happy face from the theater but do we really know God for ourselves and is He involved in our personal lives or just someone we go to at church when we need some help. When you truly get to know God, God will transcend your mind, body, spirit, and soul to a place in Him that no man earth can write a book or movie about. The true transcendence in God comes from when God takes you where He is spiritually and you begin to feel His Glorious Presence operating more in your life to point you are able to do the supernatural in your own natural body. God will begin to work His Power and Authority through you once you have transcending to a place in Him that you begin to flow like His Son Jesus did when He walked the earth. 

The Spirit of Slander and Accusations

Posted in Christian fantasy fiction with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 22, 2014 by eliseway

It’s been a few months since I posted and much has transpired since then that I have plenty to blog and say especially in terms of living the life of a Christian. I am now starting to realize how few issues and problems I had with folks who didn’t know Jesus than those who do. I have noticed that people are running their mouth and talking about somebody or saying negative things about someone they don’t like nor care for. Sometimes its for a good cause to notice things that are out of order but if people aren’t praying about it, they just talking noise and fluff. It’s a shame how people will accuse you of things that you know you didn’t do or say but try to make it seem like they don’t do or say anything wrong. I tend to listen people talk and respond slowly concerning the matter but the bottom line should be to pray about a particular person or situation. There are so many spirits running rampant in the earth that we have to always remember we are dealing with spirits that are operating in the person and not try to fix it through our flesh. Going off on folks or telling them a piece of your mind doesn’t make matters any better because it’s a spirit at work and you have to confront the spirit through prayer and fasting. I know even right now somebody is talking about somebody and sowing discord among the brethren. Even the Lord hates those who sow discord among the brethren. Fellowshipping with other saints can be a challenge when you got the Spirit of Slander and Accusation working among the brethren because this spirit loves to keep up mess and cause offenses that can bring wedges between those who suppose to be a Child of God. It irks me when people think you are acting funny because you aren’t being extra friendly or nice to them and get offended to the point they tell others that you not being nice to them when you actually are. See, the spirit of slander and accusation tries to cause conflict to occur based on hearsay not what God is saying. People have left church and people because of negative words spoken by another person and not getting to know the person. The seeds of discord are planted to bring forth anger, offense, contention and hatred toward our sisters and brothers in the Lord. The tongue is unbridled and hard to tame causing the greatest damage to people through slanderous and accusatory words. The Devil is the accuser of the brethen and seeks to accuse God’s people of every wrongdoing he can make us feel bad about. He will use people to bring false accusations or slander your name just like they did Jesus. Persecutions comes when we doing the Will of God and other folks aren’t or won’t so they try to bring you down to their slackness and backsliding tendencies. Even people you were nice and kind to in the past will sometimes speak negative about you just because they are miserable and out of the Will of God. Those who possess these evil spirits that gossip, talebearer, slander, and accuse have bad disposition and mean-spirited in nature trying to disguise through niceness. A friend of mine use to call it being nice-nasty when a person sounds and act like they are nice but has a bitter or distaste to their demeanor. Nice nasties are the first to accuse and last to accept blame for anything. Folks that run people down with their words are prideful and unrepentitive because they think they are right to judge and criticize others. The only way to close the mouths of backbiters and gossipmongers is through prayer and allowing God to shut the mouths of the naysayers realizing the only person you can please is God not man. When people understand that God is the only one that needs pleasing, worrying about what people say won’t bother or vex us to the point that we lose our joy and peace in God. 


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